My Story

Hello, my name is Shaun. My journey started many years ago when I received my first massage. From that moment I knew that at some point in my life I would learn the necessary skills to share the gift of Serenity and healing that have been shown to me by many different therapists. My day job was (and still is) as a computer programmer, however due to constant bad posture and lack of activity I injured my back several times (for no particular reason other than inactivity) so I decided on a radical change in career. One that was more rewarding and would allow me to help people in a way that I was passionate to succeed. During my last period of injury I enrolled on a course in Massage Therapy with Anatomy and Physiology. The rest is the history my clients will help to write.

A younger me
A younger me

My mission

At Serenity Touch, my mission is to cultivate serenity amidst life's stresses through the art of massage therapy. I am dedicated to providing a sanctuary where clients can rejuvenate their minds, bodies, and spirits. Through skilled hands and compassionate care, I aim to melt away tension, restore balance, and promote holistic wellness. My commitment is to create a tranquil haven where each individual can find solace, healing, and inner peace, empowering them to navigate life with renewed vitality and serenity.

My vision

Empowering individuals to embrace a life of tranquility and balance, my vision at Serenity Touch is to be the beacon of serenity in a chaotic world. I envision a community where each person prioritises self-care and mindfulness, understanding the profound impact it has on their overall well-being. Through a holistic approach to massage therapy, I aspire to inspire a ripple effect of peace, fostering a society where individuals thrive in harmony with themselves and the world around them. To inspire individuals to put themselves first and encourage the bravery to face a world without fear or anxiety.

Our team

Our strength lies in our individuality. Set up by Shaun Lizzio, the team strives to bring in the best talent in various fields, from Massage Therapists to photographers.

Shaun Lizzio

Founder / Massage Therapist

Lisa Lizzio

The loving wife who puts up with me and supported me throughout my journey

Eden Lizzio

The bonkers daughter who also put up with my weekends away

Sammi Day


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